Past Work: Illustration: Editorial
Conté pencils on drawing paper; a rough sketch done in preparation for a painting;
app. 18" x 24"; c. 1986
Gouache & airbrush on illustration board; app. 18" x 24"; c. 1986
Gouache, colored pencils, & ink on illustration board; app. 18" x 24"; c. 1986
Colored markers on drawing paper; a rough sketch done in preparation for a painting, but the art director liked this so much he used this version.
App. 18" x 24"; c. 1986
Victorian House, Aspen 1
Pencil on drawing paper, app. 7" x 8"; c. 1995
These were a series of illustrations I created for the cover of a real estate magazine in Aspen, Colorado in the mid-nineties. There was also a fourth all-digital version, which I created in Freehand, but that file is lost.
I did the first loose pencil drawing on site in Aspen's West End.
"Victorian House, Aspen 2"
Watercolors on illustration board, app. 7" x 8"; c. 1995
Victorian House, Aspen 3
Colored markers on illustration board, app. 7" x 8"; c. 1995
Here are the Victorian hopuse illustrations as they appeared on the cover of Real Estate & Home Resources magazine, summer 1993
Electronic Music Festival poster
Acrylics, self-adhesive color film, and rub-on lettering on illustrration board;
student project at NAU School of Fine Arts;
app. 14" x 28"; c. 1981
Is Rock Dead?
Pen & ink, color ink, airbrush on illustration board; student project at NAU School of Fine Arts.
App. 12" 18"; c. 1982
Mountain Biker
Acrylics on artists' board, app. 12" x 14"; c. 1994
Pen & ink and color pencil on drawing paper;
Student project at NAU School of Fine Arts.
App. 4" x 14"; c. 1984
12 - 12